CNA Online Classes
First, you must qualify the schools that you are researching for your education and consider your state's requirements for certification. Find online courses that are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accredited Commission (NLNAC)-any courses you take under their accrediting will be recognized by other schools.
CNA certificate program may not be fully online due to the labs and clinical duty they are legally required to complete. Most accredited online CNA programs will require that you spend time in a local healthcare facility to learn the skills you need for this career.
CNA online certificate programs utilize interactive technology such as discussion boards and chat rooms, video lectures and advanced computer software computer to teach vital patient care lessons. Students submit tests and assignments through the Web, and they often engage in critical-thinking group work with peers on social forums.
Once students complete the program and obtain the nursing certificate, they are qualified to sit for the state certification exam and seek eligibility for employment. Many nursing assistant students report that they actually learn more in online classes than in face-to-face classes and find the experience more rewarding.