-Use high-quality paper that is white or ivory
-Keep it to one to two pages
-Be honest
-Use a computer and save it on a disk
-Use spell check
-Use bold/CAPS to make all section headings stand out
-Use reverse chronological order.
-Create visual interest by using short paragraphs, bullets and white space
-Use 11 or 12 point font for text to ensure readability
-Keep paragraphs under seven lines.
-Include a mailing address(city/state/zip)
-Give reliable phone number
-Include GPA if 3.0 or above
-Include all honors and awards
-List all skill learned in your class
-Include work experience with accurate dates. List job title and responsibilities.
-Include your complete employment history
-Spell out your degree or certificate
-State date of graduation month/year
-Always proofread your resume before submitting it to an employer
-Do not abbreviate
-Do not misspell words
-Do not use personal pronouns, such as “I” and “me.”
-Do not include testimonials
-Do not include salary information
-Do not put specific hours you want to work on your resume. That is information that you put on your job application when the prospective employer gives it to you
-Do not use long complicated sentences, jargon, or “buzz words”
-Do not include reasons you left your previous job
Nursing Assistant Resume
Step 1: Goal -Objective
Step 2: Cna skills: (list, in bullets, what you know from school)
Step 3: Communication skills: (bilingual?)
Step 4: Customer service skills
Step 5: Education
Step 6: Achievements
Nursing Assistant Resume FAQ
1. What should be my objective in my CNA resume?
“To be a Nursing Assistant in a patient oriented hospital (Nursing home)”
“To gain experience in patient care, and establish my reputation in a health care environment, that will help with my advancement as I continue my education to become a RN”
2. How to make a new CNA resume more appealing to possible employers?
Place special emphasis on patient care, include non-job-related aspects as well. (volunteer work)
You will be required to be certified in Basic Life Skills (similar to CPR) so if you get certified in that prior to your CNA program you can also add that to your resume.